
130 months ago

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Top 10 Weirdest Motorcycles

1. The flying motorcycle

The ‟Super Sky Cycle” was created by Larry Neal, a former test pilot from North Texas. It is able to fly at 70 mph and on the ground runs at 300 mph. This invention looks like a combination of a helicopter at the top and a three wheel motorcycle at the bottom half. Neals calls it a "fly-drive vehicle".


2. The UNO motorcycle

It's a seemingly one wheeled motorcycle created by placing two wheels right next to each other at the centre point of the vehicle . This bike was developed in 2006 by 18-year-old Ben Gulak and revealed at the Motorcycle Show in Toronto in 2008. The concept was to create an echo-friendly bike. What is more, this motorcycle is controlled with body movement; by leaning forward the rider can reach 25 mph. Source

UNO motorcycle

UNO motorcycle

Ben Gulak - UNO motorcycle

Ben Gulak - UNO motorcycle

3. The F15 jet fighter Honda motorcycle

Ron Gallops from Tampa, Florida modified his Honda Goldwing motorcycle to turn it into a simulated F15 figther jet. Gallops says his concept motorcycle can do 80 mph, but if it catches wind, it could come off the ground with no ability to control the wings.

F15 Honda motorcycle

F15 Honda motorcycle

4. The longest motorcycle

Steve Martino built this 13.5 ft long bike by hand at home. Source

The longest motorcycle

The longest motorcycle

5. The largest single cylindre motorcycle

Built by Frank Langer, the NSU Bison 2000 cc is the largest single cylindre motorcycle in the world. Langer started with a NSU Konsul with a 500 cc displacement which he later raised to a full 2 litres. With a 75 mm diametre exhaust pipe, just imagine the noise... Source

The longest motorcycle

The longest motorcycle

NSU Bison 2000 cc

NSU Bison 2000 cc

6. The Suzuki Biplane

The Biplane was revealed at the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show. Its design was inspired by Biplanes (propellar planes). The lack of air protection gives the rider the sensation of flying on an open-top aircraft. Source

Suzuki Biplane

Suzuki Biplane

7. The world's biggest ride-able motorcycle

Created by Gregory Dunham in the US, this bike measures 3.429 m tall from the top of handlebars and weighs 2.948 tons. The bike can reach a speed of 65 mph and cost about $300,000 to build.

The biggest motorcycle

The biggest motorcycle

8. The Jaguar motorcycle

Called the NightShadow, it was created in 2008 by Massow Concept Motorcycles. The bike can get up to 50 mph and has an air-cooled Buell S3 1200cc V-twin powerplant.

Jaguar motorcycle

Jaguar motorcycle


9. The Predator Bike

The Predator was designed by Roderick McCullough based on a 2007 Suzuki Hayabusa. Although he says, at first he didn't know if his invention could even run, it ended up working perfectly.

Predator bike

Predator bike


10. The first gas engine motorcycle

Invented in 1885 by Gottlieb Daimler, this seminal engine was attached to a wooden bike. The first gas motorcycle had a single horizontal cylinder 264 cc, air cooling, surface carburetor and a hot tube ignition system.

First gas engine motorcycle 1885

First gas engine motorcycle 1885

Riding a custom bike? Get the EatSleepRIDE Motorcycle App and CrashLight to record your ride and ride safe.

Download the EatSleepRIDE Motorcycles App and CrashLight from the App Store

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130 months ago

  1. The Honda Motocompo, an 80s "trunk bike" designed to fit into the luggage trunk subcompact cars like the Honda Today and the then new Honda City - 12) The Street Legal Tron Motorcycle - 13) The Litestar and Pulse GCRV (Ground Cruising Recreational Vehicle), an 80s enclosed motorcycle that looks more like a street-bound jet - 14) The Akira Motorcycle, replica of Shotaro Kaneda's bike from Akira -