
29 months ago

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Two Riders, One Bike: Chasing a RTW Record

England, United Kingdom

It takes commitment to circumnavigate the world by bike. 

Even more so to do it with your partner. 

Both on one motorcycle.

While attempting to set a world record for being the youngest pair to pull off a RTW (round the world) motorcycle trip. 

That's the challenge adventurers Lavi Scholl, 33, and Ollie Gamblin, 30, better known as Lavi and Ollie, have set for themselves.

Lavi and Ollie are chasing a world record around the world! Facebook

Lavi and Ollie are chasing a world record around the world! Facebook

As of this writing, they find themselves moto-camping in the south of France with their Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT. You can enjoy their journey vicariously through their various channels. You can find them on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook

This pair isn't unfamiliar with long-distance adventure travel as they've already walked across New Zealand, bikepacked around Britain and lived in a camper van for two years. So I guess they know what they're getting themselves into.

Lavi's no stranger to long-distance adventures. Facebook

Lavi's no stranger to long-distance adventures. Facebook

Two years of planning has gone into the trek and they're well underway in their journey in which they must ride at more than 24,901 miles (equal to the distance around the equator) to achieve a Guinness World Record. 

They also need to start and end in the same place, travel continuously in the same direction and ride through at least two spots which are opposite sides of the globe. (Those Guinness people are sticklers for detail. That must be why they make such good beer.)

Ollie and Lavi are making their way through France. Facebook

Ollie and Lavi are making their way through France. Facebook

They began on April 10 at ACE Cafe in London and aim to travel more than 30,000 miles in 35 countries on five continents before returning home to claim the record. 

I would say it's a trip of a lifetime, but for these extreme travellers I figure it's just one more step on a very long and exciting journey through life.

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28 months ago

Stay safe! Have FUN and enjoy!




29 months ago

Safe travels...