
103 months ago

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Uber + Motorcyles

Brunswick, Oh, United States


UberMOTO is a thing now, according to RevZilla. The new service is launching in Bangalore, India and Bangkok, Thailand, and promises motorcycle rides as a way to get you through the often gridlocked traffic in those cities.

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103 months ago

@vrscdx I didn't even think of insurance. That's a whole different ball of wax.


103 months ago

Have you seen the way people drive in Bangkok! It will definitely work just fine there, but here in the states your insurance won't even cover you if you use your bike for business.


103 months ago

In those countries I could see this working. In the u.s. and Canada I could see this failing miserably. From the motorcycle operator standpoint, you pick up the tipsy girl at the bar to ride her home and she squirms around until she puts you and your bike on the ground. Then sues you because you crashed. Same situation when picking up someone who has never ridden but thinks it sounds cool. Next thing you know, they freak and you fall. From a rider standpoint. Just because you managed to pass a safety course doesn't mean you have the skills to ride. Riding two up is much different than solo riding but not everyone can cop to their limitations. I'd never ride the back of a bike but if I did, it wouldn't be with an uber rider. I got behind a random guy going to work today. Every corner he either put his bike in the dirt on well on the wrong side of the double yellow. I just hung back and let him do his thing. When we both caught the same red light he yelled over "my bike can't navigate these curves because it's too low to the ground." That folks is your über motorcycle rider addicted to target fixation.