
157 months ago

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We've arrived in Mexico on Friday, August 19th!

Just a quick note to say we've arrived in Mexico and all is well!

The border crossing was a bit intimidating since everyone we talked to in Texas (including the US border guards on our way out) thought we were crazy and warned us of the danger awaiting us on the other side of the river. It all went well, we've never felt threatened or in danger and we've had a great couple of days. Although, we have seen a lot of machine guns and balaclava wearing soldiers in some locations, but if anything they make us feel safer... First car spotted on the Mexican border was a Fly Yellow Ferrari F355 Spyder, that was a little unexpected.

Anyway, we're having a great time in the historic town of Real de Catorce The roads and drivers have been pretty good, at least in the industrial north. That being said, to get here we had to ride 27km on an ancient cobble stone road (not really designed with motorcycles in mind), including a 2km tunnel. The road winds through the mountains with no guard rails with some very steep cliffs. That was not too bad, however in the town there are some truly scary stretches of cobble stone road, steep, un-repaired and very slippery.

Definitely qualifies as the most technical and difficult off road riding of my career.

Yesterday 2 mothers stopped Sandra to have pictures of their little girls taken with the her and her motorbike. Last night we met some great Mexicans who treated us to an evening of beer and tequila on the rooftop patio of our hotel (our hotel is unbelievable, and fairly inexpensive), followed by dinner, a very generous group indeed. And yes, there was singing and dancing involved. This morning we went horseback riding in the mountains.

A great intro to Mexico, blog updates to follow.

Jordan and Sandra

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