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What I Learned From Falling off an Okada



It was an accident I remember like yesterday. 2007, I was home from school for my industrial attachment and I was still jobless. This particular day my sister had asked me to get a few things from the market close by and I decided to get an Okada as I wasn’t prepared to walk in the hot sun.

Seconds after haggling and getting comfortable on the bike. I had blood all over my leg. It’s taken a few years but I can state the following about what I’ve learned.

Life can change in an instant

I have the propensity to go on cruise control, paying more attention to my inner world than the physical where our bodies operate. Certain events like this are what wake me up to reality. What I do know now is I don’t have to wait for such things to jolt me. Understanding this helps one pay attention to every moment, to receive seconds with gratitude.

When hit, the things you hold dearly are revealed.

As I hit the ground, my first thoughts where,_ my glasses!, I hope they are not broken_ before the pain in my leg hit my brain. When we get hit by circumstances, whether its good or bad, what’s stored in us shows up. Some people tell others that they bring out the worst in them, maybe they need to question why they have ‘worst’ sides in the first place. So lets reevaluate our priorities and the things we hold dear, cultivating good character that whenever a hit happens it’s only good stuff that gets out.

No man is an Island

I could be a loner to the core, but over time I’ve come to know it’s not even natural to me. The need for support in this life cannot be overemphasized,_ two heads are better than one._ We are born into families so that at the very least you have two people who support and love you. So I was helped back to my house by another okada and my sister was informed. She showed up quickly and took me to the clinic, I felt so grateful.

Scars are the price we pay for lessons learned

Up to that accident, my legs had been the most complemented thing on my body, and I was like ‘ah my precioussss…” As I look at the scars that remain on my right leg, I remember the above lessons, but I also reach for Bio-Oil.

Hope Never Dies

As painful as the experience was, I still got on okadas after that. I tried to be more cautious and to ‘look face’ but I thought to myself that despite what happens to us having the tenacity to carry, to keep doing life is important. And having this hope that I will still get to my desired destination regardless of the set backs keep me going every single day.

Article Source: RtvOnline 

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