
138 months ago

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When luggage goes bad - A follow up

Some of you may have read my article a couple of weeks ago now about the loss of my top-box. If not, check it out below.

I've followed up a couple of times with my local dealer, who submitted a claim on my behalf with Triumph. I'd not heard from them for a while, but I now at least have some closure on the matter.

And the news is good. Even though the topbox itself was never recovered, Triumph accept that the failure was there's and they're replacing it under warranty. In other words, I should have a brand new topbox in about a week! I think this is in no small part due to the excellent care I get from my local dealer (GP Bikes in Whitby) and it's an object lesson in why you need to visit with your dealer often.

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138 months ago

I'm impressed... but like jampy00 says GP Bike tends to do right... not to mention Triumph. Anyone who's met Jeremy Buschert (GP Sales), Jerry Ordanis (GP's owner) or Chris Ellis (Triumph Canada GM) and his team has seen good management in action.


138 months ago

That is good to hear. GP Bikes tends to do right by their customers, this is a perfect example.


138 months ago

Great news!