
128 months ago

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Wired Magazine Looks at Phenomenon of Mulholland's Crashes

Wired Magazine just posted an article on The LA Road That Tricks Bad Motorcycle Riders. It's about a picturesque curve known as "Edwards' Corner"on Mulholland Highway in California.

This curve attracts photographers and motorcyclists alike, but it also seems to be a common spot for crashes. You may have seen examples from rnickeymouse's Youtube channel:


It's amazing how such a small curve can attract so many bad riding decisions.

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127 months ago

If you went more slowly... what is it about these curves that cause so many misjudgments? decreasing radii? some crashes look like the tires just lose it... (when they shouldn't) is there oil/debris/gravel on the road?


127 months ago

The tow trucks must just sit and wait next to the photographers, like vultures...