
124 months ago

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WRENCHING Photo Show and Swap Meet at Goodfellas Gallery

WRENCHING brought motorbike riders out to Friday night's opening.

WRENCHING brought motorbike riders out to Friday night's opening.

The WRENCHING Photo Show and Swap Meet at Goodfellas Gallery got motorbike riders and gear heads mingling on a cold, late-winter night that's kept most of us from riding.

Entrance to Goodfellas Gallery on opening night.

Entrance to Goodfellas Gallery on opening night.

Tucked away on Noble Street, just north and a little west of Queen and Dufferin,Goodfellas Gallery hosted a Friday night opening party with a photo show that featured the work of Brett Beadle, Honrio Cham, Cicero DeGuzman Jr., Ken Driscoll, Jordan Epp, Jordan Glenn, Carl Heindl, Nicholas Luciani, Luke Mouradian, Mikey Revolt and Rémi Thériault.

Enjoying the photo show with Johnny Cash

Enjoying the photo show with Johnny Cash

The event was presented by VICE, Pistonhead Kustom Lager and Soul Seekers. The beer was brewed in Sweden but distributed locally, their short cans with the cool skull logo were a great match for this crowd.

Pistonhead Kustom Lager

Pistonhead Kustom Lager

While it was still much too cold and snowy for most of us to venture out on two wheels on Friday night, there was one brave biker who did.

Not too cold for this rider!

Not too cold for this rider!

Sunday was the swap meet part of the event, which also featured several tables and racks full of biker apparel.

Biker apparel for sale.

Biker apparel for sale.

Among the offerings were some cool t-shirts from Town Moto and cool vintage belts from Sole Survivor.

T-shirts from Town Moto.

T-shirts from Town Moto.

Vintage belts from Soul Survivor.

Vintage belts from Soul Survivor.

One of the guys I met, Chris Wellard, had a table of gear that included this beautiful custom paint job on a sporty '99 XLHC Harley Davidson that was selling for $80.

Showing off a sporty Harley tank.

Showing off a sporty Harley tank.

If you were wondering the story behind the bike in the window as you came in, it was a custom pan head chopper that Jason Parker Race Cars was showing off. Parker said it's from the late '60s from North Hollywood.

Jason Parker on a pan head chopper.

Jason Parker on a pan head chopper.

Among Parker's gear on display was this aftermarket Harley chopper oil tank emblazoned with a fetching Thrush Mufflers woodpecker.

Thrush Mufflers logo on a Harley chopper oil tank.

Thrush Mufflers logo on a Harley chopper oil tank.

It was neat to see so much gear alongside all these fun photos of motorcycles. It made for a fun outing that enabled many riders and their friends to congregate over familiar territory while waiting for the spring thaw.

Bike photos and gear together in one place!

Bike photos and gear together in one place!

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124 months ago

Dang! It was in Toronto and I missed it!