
102 months ago

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Year in review??

Williams, United States

My season started March 10th 2015 and I only missed about 7 days of commuting to work. 2 days to illness and 5 to a bad BCM on the bike. I'll end up with approx 18,500miles this year depending on what I ride today. We visited 9 states this year. Visited several mountain ranges, famous roads and one big event. You can see them listed on my visited states map.

Visited states

Visited states

I purchased a 1980 kz440 kawai that was hard tailed. I didn't ride it much but it's a cool bike.



I also got one of the coolest Yule gifts I've ever gotten. One of my favorite movies is Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man. I always wanted the riding jacket Harley wore and this year I got one. It's made of thick leather and has a thin liner. Good for 50 degree riding. Some may think it's lame but I will wear it with pride.







Last, I got s new riding partner. Before hooking up with me she had never thought about motorcycles let alone ride one. Now she has completed her first full year riding with me and she is a pro back seat navigator. I'm extremely happy that she rides and actually loves to ride with me. She visited a 9 states with me and I couldn't imagine riding with anyone else.

Us On the dragon

Us On the dragon

I'd love to hear some year in reviews from other riders.

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102 months ago

Nice jacket.